
Each year the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics presents the Fluid Dynamics Prize, the Stanley Corrsin Award, the François Frenkiel Award for Fluid Mechanics, and the Andreas Acrivos Dissertation Award in Fluid Dynamics. The 2022 award winners are listed below, and each awardee will give a lecture at the meeting.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Awards Session & Lectures

10:30 am – 12: 55 pm
Level Two, Sagamore Ballroom 1 – 7

Presentation of Awards and DFD Fellowships

Session C01.00001
10:30 am – 11:10 am

Fluid Dynamics Prize and Otto Laporte Lecture

Session C01.00002
11:10 am – 11:55 am

This Prize is awarded for outstanding contributions to fundamental fluid dynamics research. It was established in 1979 with support from the Office of Naval Research. In 2004, the Otto Laporte Award was combined with the Fluid Dynamics Prize so that the Division of Fluid Dynamics would have a single major prize – the Fluid Dynamics Prize. The Prize is now supported by the Division of Fluid Dynamics, friends of Otto Laporte and the APS journal, Physical Review Fluids. It is awarded for outstanding contributions to fundamental fluid dynamics research.

Recipient: Elisabeth Charlaix, Université Grenoble Alpes

Citation: For a ground-breaking exploration of the liquid-solid interface leading in particular to a quantitative understanding of the Navier slip condition, based on an exquisite surface force apparatus developed for this purpose.

Lecture Title: Hydrodynamics liquids at solid surfaces, from simple to complex fluids

Stanley Corrsin Award and Lecture

Sessions C01.00003 and C01.00004
11:55 am – 12:25 pm

This Award recognizes and encourages a particularly influential contribution to fundamental fluid dynamics. It was established from an endowment fund contributed by the DFD and held by the APS and is intended to honor a recent achievement of especially high impact and significance, a particular discovery, or an innovation in the field.

There are two recipients of this year’s Award with the following citation:

For seminal and visionary contributions to the development of immersed boundary methods, and for elegantly applying these methods to reveal the physics of a wide variety of fluid flows in complex geometries, including animal locomotion and heart flows.

Session C0100003
11:55 am – 12:25 pm

Recipient I: Roberto Verzicco, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Rome, Italy & Gran Sasso Science Institute, L’Aquila, Italy & University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands

Citation: For seminal and visionary contributions to the development of immersed boundary methods, and for elegantly applying these methods to reveal the physics of a wide variety of fluid flows in complex geometries, including animal locomotion and heart flows.

Lecture I Title: A multi-physics model of the human heart: an immersed-boundary implementation

Session C0100004
12:25 pm – 12:55 pm

Recipient II: Rajat Mittal, Johns Hopkins University

Lecture II Title: From beating hearts to flapping fins: Insights into biological flows empowered by high-fidelity immersed boundary methods

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Francois Frenkiel Award for Fluid Mechanics Lecture

Session XO1
11:40 AM-12:00 pm
Level Two, Sagamore Ballroom 1 – 3

The Division of Fluid Dynamics awards the François Frenkiel Award to young investigators to recognize significant contributions to Fluid Mechanics that have also been published during the previous year in Physical Review Fluids. Eligible authors must have not more than 12 years of full-time employment after their most advanced academic degree was awarded, before the paper’s year of publication.

Recipients: Nikhil Desai, Sébastien Michelin, Ecole Polytechnique

Citation: For a remarkable combination of modeling, numerical simulations, and analysis that led to the characterization of the striking and counterintuitive dynamics of chemically-active particles near a wall.

Lecture Title: Chemically-active drops swimming near a wall

Speaker: Sebastien Michelin

Andreas Acrivos Dissertation Award in Fluid Dynamics Lecture

Session: X02
11:40 AM-12:00 pm
Level Two, Sagamore 4 – 7

This Award recognizes exceptional early-career scientists who have performed original doctoral thesis work of outstanding scientific quality and achievement in the area of fluid dynamics. It was established in 1998 to honor the many outstanding contributions to fluid mechanics of Dr. Andreas Acrivos, particularly his years of distinguished editorship of Physics of Fluids. It is supported by donations from members and friends of the Division of Fluid Dynamics.

Recipient: Daphné Lemasquerier, Aix-Marseille Université

Citation: For an insightful and comprehensive study, based on innovative and elegant laboratory experiments, numerical analysis, and theoretical modeling, of the non-linear dynamics of Jupiter, including its shallow vortices, deep jets, and their complex interactions.

Lecture Title: Insights into Jupiter’s dynamics from laboratory experiments